
Read the latest buzz about the Riverfont Lofts project and the
many artists migrating to Pawtucket. (To receive copies of any
of the following articles, simply send a request to
The Boston Globe, Sunday November 28, 2004
"R.I. Capitalizes on Hub Prosperity"
The New York Times, August 10, 2004
"THE ARTS: Artistic Enclave Gets Its Footing in Rhode Island"
National Geographic, June 2004
"Zip USA: Pawtucket"
Rhode Island Monthly, May 2004
"Pawtucket's Own Renaissance: Rooms with a View"
The Providence Journal, March 30, 2004
"Artist Aloft"
The Boston Globe, Sunday, October 19, 2003
"REAL ESTATE: Creative Marketing"
The Providence Business Journal, October 13, 2003
"Artists' Loft Apartments Slated for Old Pawtucket Mill"